Badger Surveys
Badgers and their setts are protected by The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 and Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Schedule 6. At H W Martin we have extensive experience in surveying for badgers as part of both site walkover / Phase One Habitat surveys and as part of our role as Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoWs) on site.
We have undertaken surveys across large areas of the UK for Network Rail assessing the potential for habitats on site to support badgers, identifying and classifying setts including looking for evidence of badgers on site or in the surrounding area. The use of thermal imaging and remote sensing wildlife cameras help us to assess the activity level at setts and capture data on the types of species using mammal tracks/trails. We have then facilitated the client’s works by providing ECoW services ensuring any vegetation removal, breaking of ground or fencing works avoid breaching legislation and/or best practice.