Tree Pruning Services
We undertake various pruning services on trees that are to be retained and managed. All our retained tree work operations are undertaken in accordance with BS3998.
Our tree pruning services include:
- Formative Pruning – Used on young, newly planted trees to ensure good form, health and longevity.
- Crown Reduction – Used to retain a tree within a restricted area without having to lose the benefit of the trees overall shape and appearance.
- Crown Thinning – Used to allow greater light penetration to an area without altering the trees overall appearance.
- Crown Lifting – Lifting the lower branches of a tree across the full or partial crown.
- Crown Cleaning – For the health of the tree, and to ensure its longevity, dead or decayed branches may need removing. Codominant stems, rubbing & crossing branches and overly elongated branches may also require removal.
- Cable Bracing and Propping – Where trees develop large and heavy branches, we provide cable bracing and propping services to ensure that the associated health and safety risks are mitigated.