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Long-Service awards at HW Martin (Plant) Ltd

Congratulations to Andy Fletcher & Andy Turner for over 40 years of combined service to HW Martin (Plant) Ltd (the Plant company).

Long-Service awards at HW Martin (Plant) Ltd


This month, The Plant company celebrated the many years of committed service of two of it’s key members of staff by presenting them with Long-Service Awards.

Andy Turner and Andy Fletcher both began working with the Plant company over 20 years ago as HGV mechanics, but soon showed their potential and rose up through the company to their current managerial positions. Andy Turner is the Workshop Manager, organising the day-to-day running of the workshop based in Blackwell, Derbyshire and Andy Fletcher is the Fleet Network Manager, managing the off-site supply chain, maximising uptime of fleet assets and carrying out technical investigations on behalf of the Martin Group.

(Left to right): Geoff Kearsley, HW Martin (Plant) Ltd Operations Manager, Andy Fletcher and Andy Turner with Mark Faulconbridge, Martin Group Director

Mark Faulconbridge presented the awards during a presentation held in the Plant company workshops, allowing the full team to recognise Andy and Andy’s achievement. Mark commented “This is a great achievement for both of them, their length of service and continued hard work throughout that time is a great example to set for the rest of the team.”

Mark Faulconbridge presenting the awards

Geoff Kearsley added “Both members of staff are great assets to the team.”
Everybody at HW Martin would like to send their congratulations.