H W Martin Safety Fencing Ltd has recently completed a high-profile safety barrier renewal project for Highways England four weeks ahead of programme. Sections of the barrier on a busy part of the A38 near Derby were reaching the end of their serviceable life and needed to be replaced.
Renewal work on the 4.5km section between Markeaton Island and Little Eaton Island commenced in September last year and was due to be completed during February. Working in conjunction with H W Martin (Traffic Management) Ltd, the project team ensured overnight working windows and resource utilisation were fully optimised. The scheme was completed in mid-January, four weeks earlier than planned.
Alongside their objective to minimise disruption to the travelling public, the project team also had to take account of some significant environmental factors during the planning and delivery stages of the scheme. This section of the A38 runs through a residential area and the bridges along the route are an established habitat for roosting and hibernating bats. This meant that the timing of noisy works and the positioning of task lighting had to be carefully considered and adjusted as necessary throughout the project duration.
This is the second safety barrier project that H W Martin Safety Fencing Ltd have successfully completed for Highways England since being appointed to the Construction Works Framework for the East Midlands (Area 7). The new framework arrangements commenced in July 2016 and will run for four years.