Another gong was added to the company’s trophy cabinet on 4th March when the team at our Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) at Middlewich, Cheshire was awarded a “Middlewich Oscar” for environmental achievement.
The team at Middlewich HWRC work tirelessly to ensure that recycling is maximised and as little as possible of householders’ waste materials are sent to landfill. Whilst doing so they maintain one of the prettiest and most pleasant sites to visit of all the dozens of sites managed by the company across the country.
The awards ceremony was a black tie event held in Middlewich Town Hall, hosted by Mayor Ken Kingston and attended by many local dignitaries. The proud HWRC team was represented by Malcolm Challinor, the site manager, and Dave Lovell. Dave is a long-serving member of the team and a Middlewich localler, so it was apt that he received the Middlewich Oscar on behalf of the team and H W Martin Waste Ltd.
Wayne Harrold, Contract Manager for the Cheshire East and Cheshire West HWRCs, also attended the ceremony and commented on the win: “It was an excellent evening and to come away with the award was a lovely surprise. To receive the recognition of the local community and our customers for the work the team put into running the site makes us very proud.”