H W Martin Waste Ltd and Premier Waste Recycling Ltd joined offices, groups, schools and individuals up and down the UK on 6th February, to support the British Heart Foundation and Leeds Hospital’s Children’s Heart Surgery Fund “Wear Red Day“.
The event raised awareness of the needs of patients with heart and circulatory disease and related illnesses. The BHF and the CHSF work tirelessly to provide people with the care and support they need, whilst highlighting the fantastic developments in therapy that specialists give day in, day out all year round.
Our staff based in Derbyshire, Yorkshire and Durham helped raise awareness AND funds. With everyone wearing something red – either head to toe or just a tie! – and with their generous contributions the company raised over £450. This included a kind donation from Chesterfield-based Hopkinson Waste Management.
If you want to get a head get a hat – or a fez. Anything red will do!
BHF has been involved with research into heart and circulatory conditions for over 50 years and is a vital part of the UK’s solution to the challenges they present. To find out more about their work, or about Wear Red Day or to make a donation, please click here.
Since 1988 Leeds-based CHSF has served Yorkshire, Humber and North Lincolnshire through its support of the Leeds Congenital Hearts service. The organisation provides vital equipment, training to specialist staff, family accommodation, ward facilities and research.
“Around 400 children from these regions need open heart surgery every year. We aim to ensure these children have the best possible chance of survival and to help their families in whatever way needed during their stay in hospital.” Children’s Heart Surgery Fund
For more information on the CHSF or to mae a donation,please click here.
Mark Faulconbridge, Operations Director, thanked staff for their enthusiastic involvement: “There is a risk these days for people to get compassion fatigue, but one look at what the British Heart Foundation and the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund do inspires you to want to help in whatever way you can. Our staff really got behind this and I would like to say Thank You to everyone in the company who helped to make our first Wear Red Day so successful.”
Little envelopes make a big difference!